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Download New Client

The "Download New Client" message indicates that the loader the user is currently attempting to use is outdated due to recent updates. Users must download the latest version of the loader to continue using the product seamlessly. This guide helps the support team direct users through this process.

Steps for Support Team

  1. Inform About the Update: Explain to the user that the loader has been updated to enhance performance, security, or add new features.

  2. Direct to Download: Guide the user to the location where they can download the latest version of the loader.

  3. Encourage Keeping Updated: Advise the user on the importance of regularly checking for updates to ensure optimal performance and access to new features.

Ticket Template

Hello [@ User Here],

Thank you for reaching out. It seems you’ve encountered the "Download New Client" message. This indicates that there's been an update to the loader, and you're currently using an outdated version.

To continue enjoying our product, please download the latest version of the loader. You can find it on your monolith dashboard.

Should you have any questions during the update process or need further assistance, feel free to contact us