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Failed to Setup 3

Encountering the "Failed to setup 3" error indicates a critical issue that might require specific technical interventions, including downgrading the operating system for compatibility reasons. This guide helps the support team collect necessary information from users and suggest potential fixes before escalating the issue.

Uncommon issue

If this issue occurs, it's unlikely trying random things will fix it. In most cases a windows reset to a stable build like windows 10 is required to resolve this issue. Please mention @monolith if this occurs

Information Collection

Support team members should gather the following details from users:

  1. Windows Version:

    • Have the user provide a screenshot of their Windows version through winver.exe.
  2. Spoofing Activity:

    • Determine if the user was using any spoofing tools or techniques when the error occurred.

Suggested Fixes

  • Downgrading to Windows 10:
    • If the user is on a version of Windows newer than Windows 10 and encounters this issue, one potential fix is to downgrade to Windows 10. This solution has been effective for some users facing compatibility issues.

Escalation Process

Collect the required information and then mention @Monolith for technical review and further action. Include the user's current Windows version and whether they were spoofing as part of your escalation.

Ticket Template

Hello @user,

Thank you for reaching out with the "Failed to setup 3" error you're encountering. To address this issue effectively, we need a bit more information and would like to suggest a potential fix:

1. Could you please send a screenshot of your Windows version? This can be done by pressing `Windows Key + R`, typing `winver`, and hitting Enter.
2. Were you using any spoofing tools or techniques when this error occurred?

Additionally, if you're currently using a version of Windows newer than Windows 10, a known fix for this issue involves downgrading to Windows 10. This step has resolved the error for several users by ensuring better compatibility with our software.

We understand this might be inconvenient, and we're here to guide you through this process if you choose to proceed with it. Please let us know how you wish to move forward, and provide the requested information so we can further assist you.

If downgrading is not an option or if the issue persists, please mention @Monolith for further technical support. We're committed to resolving your issue as swiftly as possible.