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HWID Reset Request

This guide assists support team members in handling requests from users who need an HWID reset. The goal is to verify the user's request, conduct a quick assessment, and either reset the HWID or escalate the issue if necessary.

Process for HWID Reset Requests

Step 1: Collect User’s Monolith Username

  • Ask the user for their Monolith username to locate their account.

Step 2: Verify User’s Account on Support Dashboard

  • Use the Monolith username to find the user's account and access their HWID details.

Step 3: Assess the HWID Reset Request

  • Check the user's current HWID against the request. Determine if the reset is due to a legitimate need (e.g., new hardware) or if it might be key sharing.

Step 4: Make a Decision

  • If it seems like key sharing: Mention @Monolith for further investigation.
  • If the request seems legitimate: Reset the user's HWID.

Step 5: Notify the User

  • Inform the user about the status of their HWID reset request.

Ticket Template

Hello @user,

Thank you for submitting your HWID reset request.

**If HWID Reset is Done**:
We've reset your HWID. You can now access your account again. If there's anything else you need, just let us know!
Potential Key sharing response
Hello @user,

It looks like our system has **Detected Possible Key Sharing**, at this time Myself or any other Support Member is unable to **Reset your HWID.**

**__What Happens Now?__**

I have escalated this ticket to @mono_support, as they will be able to look further into this. Please refrain on @ ing Monolith multiple times as this slows down the reply's for other ticket's. We have a process to go through to make sure you ticket is answered in a timely manner.

**__What about my Key Time?__**

Don't worry about your key running out, if your checks come back negative and you were not Key Sharing you will be compensated for lost time.